Posted in WA Projects

OMEP WA continues to support Crispins Kindergarten in the villages of Poro/Kararata, Popondetta, Oro Province in rural Papua New Guinea by sending money to purchase consumables for the children.

Following the devastating cyclone/tsunami of 2006 that destroyed everything in its path and resulted in considerable loss of life, the community rallied around to build Crispins Kindergarten under the leadership of senior Oro woman, Olivia Bunari and asked for help from OMEP WA. The president travelled to Popondetta in 2008 for the opening, when she trained 12 unemployed youth as play leaders and demonstrated best practice in Early Childhood education.

Since that time, OMEP WA has sent 3 shipments of play equipment and materials to them since these are not available for purchase there, even if these subsistent farmers could afford them. Subsequently, OMEP WA brought 4 teachers to Perth for 4 weeks and provided them with free accommodation, meals, intensive workshops, as well as school and resource centre/cultural visits.
We then financed one promising teacher to complete formal teacher education at Madang College and supplied him with a computer. Additional money was later sent to pay a stipend to teachers and provide food for children when crops failed. We also supplied roofing iron and a water tank to provide fresh drinking water, money for cleaning materials during COVID, as well as ongoing consumables.

All schools were closed during COVID, during which time, the building decayed. However, Crispins has now re-opened, albeit in a reduced form, so these young children continue to benefit greatly from receiving appropriate education during the vitally important early years of their development and giving them a head start when they proceed to junior school.